Every Dollar Counts Learning Series logo

Every Dollar Counts Learning Series is a 7-part learning series designed to help Alabamians understand how schools are funded, and what we can do to improve our funding formula so that our schools and students have access to the resources that they need to succeed. In addition to featuring expert speakers from Alabama and across the country, each session provides a library of resources.

Session Resources

Session 1: School Funding 101

Session 1 provided attendees with an introduction to school funding structures, including what goes in, what comes out, and why it matters …

Session 2: Cracking the Code: Alabama’s Funding Formula

Session 2 provided attendees with a close examination of Alabama’s funding formula, including its history, structure, how it works in practice …

Session 3: Passing School Funding Reform: Growing Momentum

Session 3 provided attendees with an overview of the Legislative process, players, and progress in education policy. We also talk with Robert Blizzard …

Session 4: Student-Weighted Formula: What’s the Research Say?

Session 4 provided attendees with an understanding of the mechanics of a student-weighted formula, as well as a look at model policies from across the country …

Session 5: Data & Solutions — Let’s Think Big

Session 5 provided attendees with an analysis of a possible alternative to Alabama’s current formula, which is a resource-based funding model …

Session 6: Funding Reform Advocacy — What Works?

Session 6 provided attendees an opportunity to hear from advocates and leaders in other states about their ability to change their funding formula …

Session 7: Leading From Your Seat: Advocacy Skill Building

Our final session provided attendees with tangible skills to advocate and communicate on school finance and the funding reform necessary to create durable change in …