Our Core Beliefs

We believe that when every child receives a transformative education, it strengthens communities, making them better places to live, work, and raise a family.

We believe every child should …

go to a well-funded school

go to a well-funded school

have a strong start

have a strong start

read and do math on grade level

read and do math on grade level

have a high-quality principal
and effective teachers

have a high-quality principal and effective teachers

have a pathway to economic mobility

have a pathway to economic mobility

We’ll place students at the center

We are committed to advancing opportunities and outcomes for students with disabilities, in rural areas, from low-income backgrounds, of color, English learners, and all who have been chronically underserved in Alabama. There is no excellence when all students do not receive the support and resources they need.

We’ll coalesce around “the 80%” we agree on

Partners acknowledge, respect, and celebrate the diversity of organizational missions and priorities represented within the coalition. Because of this, partners proactively seek consensus and strategically pursue actions that build on shared issues and concerns – put colloquially, “the 80% we agree on.”